Sunday, December 30, 2012

Central Road LRC Celebrates Children's Book Week - May 13th - 19th 2013

May? It might seem far away as of December 30th, 2012 but it will come up as quickly as you can turn the page of your favorite children's book. Central Road will have guest authors, book characters and plenty of literary fun during that warm springtime week so stay tunned throughout the dreary months of February and March for more information.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Butterfly, A Bluestem, and a Librarian

Once there was a librarian named Rebecca Caudill. She was kind and lovely and cared for children and books. She was taking a walk in a beautiful Illinois prairie when a Monarch butterfly landed on her shoulder. The butterfly was magical and whisphered in her ear. It told her of some wonderful books for children. The tall bluestem joined in and as the wind blew more books were shared. She sat down in the sunshine and shared books she loved for readers a little bit older. Take a look at the books shared on the prairie that day.

Monarch Nominees for 2013 
Bluestem Nominees for 2013 
Rebecca Caudill Nominees for 2013

40 Book Challenge Sparks High Interest the Collection

Quiet time for reading is always a pleasure in the Central Road School Library. Many kids find the time to read thanks to teachers that give them solid, uninterrupted reading time every day. Many kids are so busy in their home lives they may not get that 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to read at their leisure after homework, chores and family activities. 
Many students have been taking advantage of the 40 Book Challenge presented by their teachers. The 40 Book Challenge encourages kids to read 40 books before the end of the school year. There are many kids who have already come close or surpased the 40 book goal. One reason students are "on fire" with this challenge is because they can read whatever interests them. They are encouraged to read from each of the genre's so that they cover a wide range of reading. It has not been a problem for kids. One student recently commented.."I love the 40 book challenge. I am reading mysteries now and cna find them on my own using Destiny Quest. I love to read whatever I want!"

The new hold shelves are filling up fast with recommendations from kids all throughout the school. "A kid in my class read a book about a dragon on a quest, it is a book in a series, do you know what the name of that series is? It sounded really interesting and I want to check it out."